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AI-driven monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring (APM): AI-Powered

Identify application servers and app components that are generating errors. Monitor for Java, .NET, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, and mobile platforms.

Your trusted UK provider.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Applications with AI-Powered Monitoring

Welcome to the future of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) in the UK. Our AI-powered platform offers you complete observability over your applications, JVM, .NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails, or Node.js, ensuring they run optimally at all times. From real-time metrics to anomaly detection, we provide a 360° view of your application’s performance, both front-end and back-end.

Whether you’re a DevOps engineer or a business owner, our solution is designed to give you peace of mind and the insights you need to excel.

Features Include

Comprehensive Application Performance Metrics

Gain a complete understanding of your software application's performance by measuring key indicators such as Apdex score, throughput, and response time. Our APM solutions offer a 360-degree view of your application's health, ensuring optimal user experience.

AI-Powered Monitoring for DevOps

Empower your DevOps team with our advanced AI-driven monitoring tools. Achieve full observability and dynamic performance insights, making it easier to trace errors across various microservices.

Real-Time Error Identification and Troubleshooting

Instantly spot and resolve errors, significantly reducing the Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR). Our platform allows you to monitor individual transactions across distributed architectures.

Visualise Your Application's Topology

Get a bird's-eye view of your application architecture, from URLs to SQL queries. Easily identify component failures and debug method-level errors, enhancing your application's reliability.

Custom Component Monitoring

Track the performance of business-critical transactions and custom frameworks effortlessly. Our platform allows you to create custom dashboards to group key metrics and debug issues in a contextual manner.

AI-Driven Anomaly Detection

Our machine learning-based anomaly detection engine spots unusual behaviour or spikes in your application, enabling you to take corrective action before it impacts your users.

A Unified View with Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Integrate Application Performance Monitoring with Real User Monitoring to get a comprehensive view of your application's performance from both frontend and backend perspectives.

Geographical Performance Insights

Understand how your application performs for end-users across different geographies in real-time, allowing you to optimise the user experience globally.

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Why Choose Monitoring From Stygian?

Elevate Your Monitoring Experience

Discover unparalleled performance and security monitoring with our advanced features, designed to offer you a seamless and comprehensive monitoring experience.

Comprehensive Service Suite

From website and server monitoring to cloud cost management, we offer a full range of services to meet all your IT needs.

AI-Powered Monitoring

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to get precise, predictive insights into your website's performance, ensuring optimal uptime.

24/7 Global Coverage

With monitoring locations in over 120 countries, we offer a truly global service that keeps an eye on your digital assets around the clock.

Secure and Reliable

Your data's security is our top priority. Our robust security protocols ensure that your information is protected at all times.

Real-Time Alerting

Stay ahead of issues with instant alerts delivered via multiple channels including email, SMS, voice calls, and push notifications, ensuring you're always in the loop.

Customisable Dashboards & Reports

Design bespoke reports and dashboards that focus on key performance indicators, providing you with actionable insights for optimal VDI performance.

Frequently Asked Questions on Application Performance Monitoring (APM)


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(+44) 01908 759 404

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